San Diegans for Open Government v. City of San Diego (Todd Gloria) (2013)
Reason for Suing: San Diegans for Open Government (SDOG) made a California Public Records Act request for certain records...
Reason for Suing: San Diegans for Open Government (SDOG) made a California Public Records Act request for certain records...
Reason for Suing: The City of San Diego sued the public in order to obtain a judge’s approval of...
Reason for Suing: San Diegans for Open Government (SDOG) sued after learning that the school district gave out construction...
Reason for Suing: The County of San Diego adopted a Climate Action Plan that did not meet all the...
Reason for Suing: The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) adopted a Regional Transportation Plan that did not meet...
Reason for Suing: San Diego Coastkeeper (SDCK) sued the federal government because U.S. Marines at Camp Pendleton were forced...
Reason for Suing: CREED-21 sued the City of Chino because it amended its general plan without having a legally...
Reason for Suing: Chollas Restoration, Enhancement, and Conservancy etc. (CREAC) sued the City of San Diego because it approved...
Reason for Suing: Ian Trowbridge sued the Southeastern Economic Development Corporation (one of the City of San Diego’s redevelopment...
Reason for Suing: The City of San Diego approved a density-bonus proposal that was touted as a way to...
Reason for Suing: Murrietans for Smart Growth (MSG) sued the City of Murrieta because the City approved a SuperTarget...
Reason for Suing: San Diego Navy Broadway Complex Coalition (SDNBCC) sued the federal government under the Freedom of Information...